JOHN 1, 1-5
According to:
King James translation | Hugh J. Schonfield | Avatar Adi Da Samraj |
In the beginning was the Word,
and the Word was with God,
and the Word was God. 2. The same was in the beginning
4. In him was life;
5. And the light
In the beginning was the Word.
And the Word was with God.
So the Word was divine. It was in the beginning with God.
By it everything had being. And without it nothing had being. What had being by it was Life.
And the light shines in the darkness.
And the darkness
At the origin of everything is
the Creative Spirit,
the Intelligent Life-Principle, the All-Pervading Matrix of the total world. And the Living Spirit-Breath of God is always united with very God, the Radiant Transcendental Consciousness, the true Heart of the world and the truth of all beings. Indeed, the Spirit is God, for God is the Creative Life-Principal, the Eternally Free Transcendental Reality in Whom all beings and things arise and float and change and pass out of sight. All things and beings come to exist throught the Agency of the Eternal Life-Principle, and not otherwise. And whatever or whoever exists because of the Spirit is indeed Alive - - because everything and everyone is Sustained through surrender into that Living-Spirit. The Life Breath that sustains Man is also the Light that can show him the Way through the darkness and blindness of the world. That Light is now and always has been shining in the world and even in the body and mind of Man, and no darkness has ever quenched it. (From The Fire Gospel) ©1982 The Johannine Daist Communion |
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