The Intrinsic Self-Exercise
of "Perfect Knowledge"


Except for Reality Itself, everything is a process of self-replication, or universal reproduction and beginningless and endless repetition.


The body-mind itself is a facsimile-machine—constantly replicating, reproducing, and repeating apparently perceived and otherwise imagined "objects".


The principal "object" that is constantly replicated, reproduced, and repeated in, as, and by means of the body-mind, is the "self"-imagined ego-idea, or the illusion of a separate "self ".


The ("apparently objectified") "world" is reflection, replication, reproduction, and repetition.


The Intrinsic Self-Nature, Self-Condition, and Self-State of the "world" Is Reality Itself—or Indivisible Conscious Light.


The One and Only Indivisible Conscious Light Is Self-Existing, Self- Radiant, Perfectly Prior, Inherently egoless, Non-separate, Non-conditional, Perfectly Non-"objective", and of an Irreducibly Acausal Nature.


All reflected "objects" arise, self-replicate, reproduce, and repeat.


The Self-Reality of Acausal Conscious Light Merely and Always Already Is As Such.


It is only in the imagination that "ego-in-the-world" exists. The separate "self " is simply a "thing" presumed and entertained in mind. Ego is an imagined "objectified" persona. The "self "-image (and the entire drama) of ego is something conceived and believed in mind only, including the minds of apparent "others" who are likewise imagining.


Therefore, the life of the separate "self " is literally an illusion—but the ego-based human being constantly lives in that illusion, constantly re-imagines that illusion, and constantly furthers that illusion in imagination, supported by desire-energy.


The Reality of existence is something else entirely. The actual situation, the True Self-Condition, is Prior, Non-separate, Indivisible, Self- Existing, and Self-Radiant. That is the Real Condition, That Real Condition is Self-Evident—and That Real Condition can be directly and intuitively Self-"Located".


The only-by-Me Revealed and Given Way of Adidam is the Real living process of transcending imagination—transcending the imagining of separate-"self "existence and the mutual re-imagining of separate -"self "-existence.


Attraction beyond the ego-process (of "self "-imagining and "other"-imagining and "world"-imagining) is whole bodily devotional turning to Me (on the basis of the devotional recognition-response to Me).


When devotional recognition-response to Me becomes profound, and (on that basis) whole bodily turning to Me (beyond "self "-contraction, and beyond the contents of the psycho-physically happening imagination) becomes profound, then there is searchless Beholding of Me.


Searchless Beholding of Me is true surrender to Me.


Searchless Beholding of Me happens by means of the (whole bodily) ego-forgetting turning to Me, not by means of "working on" the ego-"self ". In that real (whole bodily) turning to Me, the presumed separate-"self "-activity is transcended.


Thus, devotional turning to Me is not a merely superficial gesture. Rather, devotional turning to Me is a profundity that is moved beyond imagination—beyond the construct of separateness that is constantly being manufactured, as if in a mirror.


By means of devotional turning to Me, I am (in due course) "Located" Transcendentally-and-Spiritually. In the searchless Beholding of Me, I am "Known" Transcendentally-and-Spiritually.


The Aletheon


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