[ above: The Baptism of Christ by
Andrea del Verrocchio and Leonardo da Vinci.
The painting depicts John baptizing with water in the River Jordan and
the hands of God baptizing with the Holy Spirit as a descending dove.]
[ below: contemporary portrait of the Second Coming. ]
And now I saw heaven open, and a white horse appear; its rider was called Trustworthy and True
. . . His eyes were flames of fire, and He was crowned with many coronets;
the name written on Him was known only to Himself. The Revelation of John; 19: 11-12, 16
ChristianityUp? (updates much of below)
Johannine Logos
Three versions of John 1, 1-5The Secret Gospel
( interview with Morton H. Smith )The Spiritual Instructions of Saint Seraphim of Sarov
A Spirit-Baptizer in the Eastern Christian Tradition
( brief biography, excerpt, bibliography )St. John of the Cross
On the State of Beginners.Discourses of the Logos
Preface to Johannine writings in the New Testament
Hugh J. SchonfieldThe Diary of Pilgrimage
Sri Adi Da's Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 1970
Chapter 15, The Knee of ListeningThe Four Dharmas (11 - 73)
And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us
and we beheld his glory . . . full of grace and truth.
( John 1:14 )
( Mountain of Attention, Lake County, California, 1976 )
The Way of Divine Communion (1976)
The Secret Identity of the Holy Spirit of God ( 1980 )
Christ=mc ( 1980 )
He shall baptizeth you with the Holy Ghost,
and with fire ( Matt 3 :11)
Spirit Worship ( 1981 )The Fire Gospel ( 1982 )
Essays and Talks on Spiritual BaptismExoteric Christianity and the
Universal Spiritual Message of Jesus ( 5 - 8 - 82 )A Call for the Radical Reformation of Christianity ( 1982 )
Blood Sacrifice and the Death of Jesus
Basket of Tolerance (1991 version)
( 12-30-83, Fijian church, Naitauba)Mark My Words (excerpt)( 12 - 30 - 83 )
The Spiritual Advaitism of Jesus of Nazareth ( 1983 )
( 1985 )
The Dawn Horse Testament
of the Ruchira Avatar
( earlier version [1991] )
Hridaya Rosary ( 1998 )
Catherine of Siena
Teresa of Avila
Therese of Lisieux
Women in the Company of Jesus
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